Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Different Kind Of Spring Break.

Royals Spring Training 2009
Yesterday was the official start of our spring break, and like so many other things this too will be different for us this year.
Waiting for the game to start 2009

The calendars did not align for us, the breaks from school landed a week apart. Kellan was out of school last week, but it's baseball season and commitments to the team kept him on campus. They continued to practice and play games throughout the week. We went up to watch a home game, but the time we were able to spend with him was limited. He was able to come home this past Saturday for the night. He got here late, so we waited dinner on him. Having all four of us around the table is one of my favorite things in life. Something that once was commonplace and ordinary,has now taken on more meaning. As a friend of mine said this week, "I will never take for granted being able to put all our place mats on the table at the same time". Me either. He stayed the night, we went to church as a family, (another one of my favs), had lunch and then he headed out. He was back in class this morning. That will be the extent of the time all four of us will spend together this spring break.

Owen's first In -N- Out Burger, AZ 2012.
 In past years we may be headed to Royals Spring Training, or to Oklahoma to play baseball with the high school team. But not this year. We do have plans, including a trip to the Nelson Atkins and the DMV for Owen's learners permit. We hope to spend time with family and friends and whatever else we decide we want to do.  We've already crossed one thing off our list. Last Friday night we took Owen to see "Catch Me If You Can" at the Barn Players Community Theater. It was awesome! We love that we get to do new things with him and we enjoy watching him as he explores different interests. We look forward to the time we will have with Owen this week and we know even if it is very different than what we are used to - it will still be great!

Kellan pitching in OK, 2014.
Although we aren't leaving town it is still nice to have a break from our regular schedule. We will use this time to recharge and get ready for a busy spring full of baseball games, choir performances, enrollment for next year, summer baseball planning and the end of "our" Freshman year.

This week also marks one year since I started writing this blog. The timing could not have been better. With all the changes our family has journeyed through this year, blogging has allowed me a place to process my thoughts out loud.  This has been vital for me.  At first I didn't know if I would ever even publish it and I wasn't sure anyone would want to read it if I did. But as of today it has been viewed 2,830 times and I hope my words have had an impact on some of the people who have read them.  I have so enjoyed writing and sharing my thoughts and my life here. I appreciate all the encouragement and positive feedback I have received. It inspires me to keep writing and sharing what I write with others. Thank you!

This week will be different than any other spring break before. It may not go exactly how I would have wanted, but I will make the most it. I will appreciate the little bits of time I do get, when everything is how I would like it to be, and never take those moments for granted.

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