Sunday, March 8, 2015

A change of uniform...

Last week our house was focused, for the most part, on just one thing...high school baseball tryouts. We are familiar with the process, having been through it the past four years with our older son, Kellan. Those prior experiences however did not eliminate the anxiety associated with it.

The week was exhausting both mentally and physically. Practices were long and intense. A snow storm pushed them indoors which meant practice times changed on a daily basis. Keeping up on the schedule was a challenge in itself. Being a Freshman catcher, Owen was required to participate in additional tryouts for pitchers and catchers which took place at 5:45 AM on both Tuesday and Thursday. We were all tired by the time the final roster was posted on Thursday evening.

Going into the week I knew Owen was prepared baseball wise.  He's had great coaching and studies technique on his own. He has been around baseball most of his life and has a pure love for playing the game. He can hit, field, take charge behind the plate and shows good decision making and mechanics. All of which are easily seen by coaches. But there is so much more to him both as a player and an individual. He is a leader, a compassionate friend and a young man of integrity and character. I prayed the coaches would see that too.

From One Great Team...
Adding to the emotions of the week was the concrete realization that the boys Owen had played with, shared life and loved for the past five years would probably never take the field as a team again. They will play for their high schools this spring and then move on to other teams this summer. A few of the Naturals will be together, but the group as a hole is part of our history and part of what makes Owen the player and person he is today. 

On the positive side of this, former teammates will be reunited again, old foes will become new teammates. There will be chances for Owen to look across the field and see players in the opposing dugout that used to be sitting on the bench next to him. Roles will shift on the field, but outside the fences, relationships will stay the same. A change in uniform doesn't change everything!

To Another!
I am so excited for the season to begin. I look forward to watching not only Owen and his teammates, but all the other boys that we know around the area. This is baseball at it's best. It builds bonds that last a lifetime.

See you at the field...
Go Hawks!, Go Broncos!, Go Eagles!
Go Hawklets! and Go Wildcats!
(hope that covers everyone!)

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