Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Secret to Having It All...

I passed this sign in early August at a small church in Bonner Springs, Kansas. We were on our way to pick up my son's car from our mechanic after a pre-college tune up. On the way back I stopped to take this picture. I had forgotten about it until I was scrolling through my gallery and came across it. With tomorrow being Thanksgiving I thought the timing was perfect.

In a culture that thrives on upgrades, trade-ins, promotions and excess, it can sometimes be easy to to lose sight of what matters most and how great our lives truly are. I love these words and I wonder if we were to stop and think about them, would we realize that for the large majority of us they're true.

I did just that, and this is what I found...

I live in a great country, not perfect, but great none the less. I am thankful to live here. I am also extremely grateful for the men and women who have and continue to defend and serve "The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave".

I also live in an awesome City, in a great County with high quality schools and public servants. I appreciate the hard work our teachers and administrators do each and every day to provide our kids with one of the best public educations in the country. I am grateful to our public servants, our police and fire departments. They work tirelessly to keep people and property safe. Many of whom will be spending Thanksgiving away from their families. Their families have my appreciation as well.

I have a job that provides me small opportunities to impact the lives of students, parents, visitors and staff every day. I am grateful for each relationship I have built there and to be a part of it all.

My extended family is loving and supportive and I have a wonderful circle of friends.

I have a warm house to live in, food to eat, a car to get me where I need to go and my health, despite my love of ice cream.

I have two sons that are some of the best men I know and a husband that has lead by example to help make them that way.

And, I have the grace and forgiveness of a Heavenly Father that loves me more than I can imagine.

So for me when I read the words on that sign again, after the list I just wrote, it's hard not to believe them.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. I think I have more than enough...I have it ALL!

 Happy Thanksgiving!

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