Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tales of Two Freshman-Part 2

Today we left a part of our heart on a college campus in St. Joseph, MO. And even though we have been preparing for this day for a long time, I am not sure it is possible to be completely prepared for a moment like this.

The baseball team had a full day planned for us. After checking into the dorm we attended a meeting to introduce us to the baseball program. We were very impressed with everyone who spoke. From the coaches, to the trainers, to the Athletic Director. Each one seemed genuine and very excited about the program. They have a plan in place to help the student athletes succeed academically, athletically, personally, socially and in the end, be prepared to move to the next phase of their life with all the tools they need to succeed. We took a tour of the high quality facilities and ate lunch with the other baseball families.
Kellan at the MO West Field
Nerves turned excitement as the day progressed. What an amazing opportunity that our son is about to be a part of. He set a goal to be a college baseball player when he was a little boy and in a few short days that will be a reality for him. With the help of some key coaches in his life, he has earned it. Lucky for us - we get to sit in the stands and watch it happen.

But, this is about more than just baseball. It is about him finding his way in a world away from us. He's ready. He is smart, confident, grounded and a leader. He has a strong value system and his faith is a priority in his life. Without a doubt those things will guide him in a positive way going forward.

It is also as much about us finding our way with him away from us. He has a presence that is hard to describe. He loves life and it shows. His laugh is unmistakable and we will all miss hearing it fill the house. He is a thinker and a talker and I will miss our late night talks about baseball and other random subjects. But, his absence will make us more appreciative of the time we do get to spend with him. We will all find a new normal and it will be good, just different than before.

There were tears shed when we left today, and maybe a few since then too. They are tears of sadness mixed with tears of joy and pride as well. It has been the pleasure of our life to parent this boy into the young man he is today. We know that God loves him even more than we do and that He has a purpose and a plan for his future.

As we said goodbye, Kellan hugged us and said " Thanks for everything, I love you." Simple but impactful words from our college Freshman.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

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