Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tales of Two Freshman- Part 1

Today our youngest son Owen started high school. He was very excited. Any bit of nerves were hidden behind a big smile as he road off with his brother who had offered to take him to school.

He's Off!

We have been here before as a family, four years ago as our oldest son too started his freshman year at the same high school. Little has changed in regards to the school itself. The size, their high academic standards and the majority of the staff have remained the same. We have grown familiar with the expectations and we are fully equipped with Orange and Blue spirit wear. Even though so much has stayed the same, one thing is very different,  the student.

Our oldest son had a wonderful high school experience. He had great friends and was involved in FCA, the Leadership program and played baseball. He did very well academically in the classroom and on tests. He enjoys the process of learning and his personality lends itself to being the kind of student teachers like to have in class. He fits in box.

Our hope is that our youngest son will have the same wonderful high school experience even though he may not fit in the box as well as his brother did. He is smart, inquisitive, creative, interesting, athletic, relational, kind hearted, witty and full of personality. Unfortunately most of those qualities are not things that are given a grade or a test score. He has a big voice, which can be a negative when talking in class, but when he sings it is a huge asset. He is a people person and can hold a conversation people of with all ages. We know that all of these things will serve him well in life even if they don't always do the same in the classroom.
This picture captures a lot of who Owen is.
As we move into this next phase of Owen's education our goal as his parents is to find a balance between who he is and who he is expected to be. We will encourage him to take classes that feed his interests and fit his personality, as well as those that stretch him. We will be supportive of his teachers while at the same time encourage him to advocate for himself. We will focus on his strengths more than his challenges, and hope his teachers will do the same. Education is important and it will be a priority in our house. But it will never be a priority over "who" we are and our strengths.

He goes back tomorrow and will meet all of his teachers for the first time. I pray that they will see him for everything his is and all that he can be. I know that God has something big planned for this boy!

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

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