Saturday, May 16, 2015

Music Matters

Snow Day concert
 I am not a musician or a vocalist and I don't really understand the technical side of music, but do understand it's power. 

 I think most people would agree that music has had some affect on their lives. It creates memories and has the ability to bring you back to a specific place and time. It invokes emotions of all kinds and it allows a healthy avenue to express them. I rarely get through our National Anthem or a set of good worship songs without a few tears in my eyes. When meaningful words are placed together with great music the impact is much greater then the words alone.

Father - Son duet
Music can also serve as a refuge and a source of comfort.  I have seen this play out in my life time and time again. In junior high, my sisters and I spent most of our Saturdays listening to Casey Kasem's Top 40 count down. Our family had gone through huge changes at that time, but the music was something constant and predictable and we all needed that.  My husband is a musician and I have seen him play his guitar as away to relax. During his mom's battle with cancer and her eventual passing his music was therapeutic for not only him, but for me too.

Music creates bonds. As I mentioned my husband plays guitar and piano as well. We have spent countless hours listening to music and going to concerts together. He has taught me a lot. He has exposed me to all types of music, some of which I would have never sought out on my own. He has helped me really listen to a song and hear the little things that you don't really notice, but would miss if they weren't there.  Music is ageless and will be something we can enjoy all of our lives.

A boy, his dog and his guitar
We have passed the love of music on to our boys. Kellan plays guitar and ukulele and listens to all types of music. He enjoys discovering new artists to listen to and frequently sends us texts about his latest find. He is a big fan of singer-song writers and enjoys the lyrical side of music.Owen sings all of the time, I honestly don't think he can help himself and we are perfectly OK with that. He has an amazing voice for a 15 year old. He also recently taught himself to play the piano. They both have natural music ability like their dad. I on the other hand, not so much.  The boys are at an age where we are able to take them to concerts as well. It has been fun to watch them see some of their favorite artists live and to share that experience with them. We hope to continue doing that as long as they are willing to hang out with us!

I saw this t-shirt on American Idol, at the time all I could read was Music Matters.Turns out is was a advertisement for a brand of guitar and actually read "When Your Music Matters". None the less, those two words resonated with me. Music does matter. It matters a lot. We are lucky to live in a school district that believes this too. Owen has had some incredible opportunities having been a part of the high school choir and musical. In a time when budgets are tight and opinions maybe split about funding the arts, I am grateful for that.

I have no doubt that music will continue to matter to me in a variety of ways.  I look forward to taking my seat in the audience weather in a large venue, a high school auditorium or in my own living room.

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