Friday, August 10, 2018

Different Direction- Same Journey

For our family the last few months have been very busy and it's been quite a while since my last post. This is not out of a lack of things to write about, but rather a matter of me taking the time to sit here and do it.

Yesterday it hit me, this time next week we will have just repeated one of the hardest things we have ever done as we move our youngest son college. Thinking back to that time four years ago brought me here. I started this blog as our oldest son was graduating high school. It has been a place for me to think out loud and has given me a way to share my words with others who may need to hear them.
Owen's Graduation 

Over the last few months I've had many converstations with friends who are walking this road alongside me. Some for the first time and others like myself have been here before.  To be honest I am not sure who has the easier journey.  With my oldest I had no idea how I would feel or the impact this change would have on our family. This time around the "unknowns" are gone, which does set my mind at ease a bit. But it's the "knowns" that I dread. I now know how hard it will be. I also know that there is really no way to fully prepare for it.

The Guys
The quiet house and tidy bedrooms come with a sense of loss that can not be explained. But what we now know is this... at some point the grief will lessen and give way to pride, joy and excitement. We will learn to enjoy the time we have with our college kids and be creative in our ways to stay connected with them. We want to see them succeed separate from us. If we have done our jobs right, this is how it is supposed to work. Next week as we drive home in an empty car the lessons we've learned from the first time will still be in our heads, our hearts just won't remember them.
The Naturals- Forever Teammates

Owen and Parker headed to Ireland 
We are so grateful to be surrounded by a wonderful group of people who have been on this parenthood journey with us. These are people who have poured into Owen intentionally and have impacted his life for the better. He knows without a doubt that he is loved and cared for by all of them and we feel the same in return. It is a special group and we will miss them all dearly. We have committed to stay connected even though our boys are away.

Olathe East Baseball Fellas

The spring and summer have flown by and I have no doubt the next few days will be no exception. Very soon we will be headed to a college in a different direction to start the same journey we did 4 years ago.  Owen is excited and ready to see what's next for him. He is full of potential and has so many gifts that will serve him well. We have no doubt that he will find his way and create the future he is meant to have.

"For I know the plans I have for you"says the Lord " plans to give you a future and a hope." Jer 29:11