Monday, March 12, 2018

A Season Of Lasts

This week we began our 8th and final season of high school baseball. As I added games to the already busy schedule the reality set in that this Spring will be a whole season of lasts.

We have been here before with our older son, so you would think we would be better prepared this time around. I guess in some ways we are, but for all the ways this road seems familiar the journey down it has been different in many ways.

This picture show their differences well!
Our oldest son Kellan, loved school. He was a good student, took challenging courses and enjoyed most of them. He met the expectations of his teachers, the system and environment in general. Owen is extremely smart and curious. He loves to learn and is self motivated to do so when something grabs his interest. The classroom however, has not always been the best fit for him which has created challenges we did not expect.

For Kellan the focus in high school was simple. Baseball was and still is his passion. Owen also loves baseball, but he has found joy and great success in other activities as well. Involvement in choir and musical theater have provided some of the best experiences and opportunities of his time in high school. We in-turn have been able to witness him grow and use his gifts in a way that has truly impacted people in a positive way.

Future Plan:
By this time four years ago our Senior had already made his decision. He would be attending a Division II college to play baseball, a goal he set for himself many years before. This time around future plans are still undecided. Not because of lack of options, he has many, he simply is just not sure yet. Does he play baseball or not? Does he sing or not? Big school, small school or Junior College? It’s a big decision that is complicated by his wide range of interest and abilities. The narrow focus of our older son proved beneficial not only in the process but ultimately in his choice. Without a doubt we know that Owen will land on the path he is meant to go down. We trust that God has a plan for him in the same way we did for his brother.

As we attend games, concerts, banquets and many other “lasts”, the next 10 weeks will go quickly. We want Owen to focus on enjoying the rest of his time in high school while not looking too far into the future that he misses what is left in the now. We need to do the same.

We remember all too well the emotions and chaos that come with graduation.  In some ways that will make these days more difficult. However, we also know that as hard as the "lasts" can be, we are all looking forward to the exciting "firsts" that are yet to come for Owen and our family.