Thursday, November 23, 2017

Taking Time To Be Thankful

According the an article in the Washington Post, historians from the Plymouth Plantation, a living museum in Plymouth, Mass., believe that the first Thanksgiving feast was shared by the colonists and Wampanoag Indians. Basically, these people where strangers and Squanto, who had learned English, served as a translator or moderator between them. Sadly,  I suspect this scenario is still being played out around tables all over the country today.  

Families can be tricky and holidays have a way of bringing out the best and worst in them. Each person comes to the table, literally, with their own experiences, memories and perceptions. How one person sees their history, current place and situation in the family may drastically differ from the person sitting next to them. Being together may bring to the surface hard feelings and old wounds left unsettled.  Communication may seem forced to the point that you wish there was a Squanto in the group. 
Our "Friendsgiving" this year

Sometimes circumstance and loss are so painful that it is impossible to be together at all. In many of these cases friends take place of family. "Friendsgiving" is a new tradition started in the past few years, to either replace the traditional family gathering or add another layer to the celebration.

Personally, I prefer President George Washington's inspiration for Thanksgiving. In 1789 he named Thursday, Nov. 26 as a Thanksgiving Holiday, for that year only. This celebration had nothing to do with Pilgrims or Indians, instead it was to be a time for “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” I find it so interesting that all those years ago he knew, we as a people needed to be intentional and take a moment to recognize the good in our lives. President Lincoln saw the importance of this too and 1863 he deemed Thanksgiving an official holiday.
Meeks and Richards Families
I have the privilege of being invited to both tables. I have friends that are like family and a family that enjoys being around each other. I am grateful for the time to acknowledge all I have to be thankful for.
Holly Family ( a few years ago)
Regardless of what kind of table you will be gathered around today, I hope you find joy, laughter, acceptance, peace, love and something to be thankful for.