Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Tale of Our Two Seniors

Three years ago as our sons both began their Freshman year, the oldest in college and the youngest in high school, I wrote about what I hoped this next chapter of life would hold for them. Recently I went back and read those posts, reflecting on how far they've come and what we all have learned along the way.

Time has gone by quickly, they are now Seniors. Some of what I wrote in the earlier posts have changed, but so much of it has stayed the same.

In a The Tale of Two Freshman-Part 1, I wrote this about Owen.

"He is smart, inquisitive, creative, interesting, athletic, relational, kind hearted, witty and full of personality. Unfortunately most of those qualities are not things that are given a grade or a test score. He has a big voice, which can be a negative when talking in class, but when he sings it is a huge asset. He is a people person and can hold a conversation people of with all ages. We know that all of these things will serve him well in life even if they don't always do the same in the classroom."

"As we move into this next phase of Owen's education our goal as his parents is to find a balance between who he is and who he is expected to be. We will encourage him to take classes that feed his interests and fit his personality, as well as those that stretch him. We will be supportive of his teachers while at the same time encourage him to advocate for himself. We will focus on his strengths more than his challenges, and hope his teachers will do the same."

All of this is still true about Owen. By being involved in Choir and Theatre he has found a place where his strengths are recognized as such. His voice has matured and he has had wonderful opportunities in some amazing productions with more to come this year. He has found teachers that appreciate his ability to ask good questions and participate in meaningful conversations in their classrooms. Many teachers have been supportive, encouraging, open and flexible, which has allowed him to learn how to advocate for himself better. Thanks to them, he has regained confidence in his academic abilities. There have been struggles as well, but we have tried to find the lessons in all of them. He is involved in activities that require a lot of him. He is working hard to meet expectations while learning to communicate well and balance it all. He has grown and matured into a fine young man that we are so proud of.

About Kellan in the Tale of Two Freshman Part 2, I wrote this.

"This is about more than just baseball. It is about him finding his way in a world away from us. He's ready. He is smart, confident, grounded and a leader. He has a strong value system and his faith is a priority in his life. Without a doubt those things will guide him in a positive way going forward.

It is also as much about us finding our way with him away from us. He has a presence that is hard to describe. He loves life and it shows. His laugh is unmistakable and we will all miss hearing it fill the house. He is a thinker and a talker and I will miss our late night talks about baseball and other random subjects. But, his absence will make us more appreciative of the time we do get to spend with him."

Again, all of this has shown to be true. Kellan has made his way both on and off the field. He is constantly looking for ways to be better, both at baseball and life. He has remained determined to reach his goals while  continuing to be a source of encouragement to those around him. He is a leader both for the university's student athletic leadership group as well as within the baseball program. He has been able to contribute to the success of his team more and more each year by remaining positive and coachable. Academically he is on track to graduate with his bachelors degree a semester early and start on a post-graduate degree in the spring. He is well on his way to the future he has planned and worked hard for. 
In St. Louis this summer.
The journey from then to now was not always been smooth. There were challenges along the way, some that we expected, others that surprised us all. We have all adjusted in our own way and time frame. 

And now, a full quarter into their senior year, we are fully aware of the activity and emotion the next few months will bring. We welcome it, all of it. We will treasure the memories made and the time we share. Embracing the change, pushing away the fear and choosing the see the joy in every step of this journey. We are excited and look forward to what is next for each of them, and for us as a family.