Saturday, October 1, 2016

Our Junior Year

Every year since I started this blog I have written a post at the beginning of the school year.  The first as Kellan left for college and Owen started high school. This was one of the biggest transitions our family has ever made, and it was difficult. The second seemed more familiar, not quiet comfortable yet, but easier than the year before. Now for the third time we find ourselves here once again.

Kellan spent the summer at home, opting not to play any baseball. Instead he returned to his job with the parks department and worked out with a trainer improving his speed and agility.  Owen on the other hand played a lot of baseball, traveling almost every weekend. Despite the busy schedules, we managed to spend a lot of time as a family, including a week long tournament in Nashville. We did not take that time for granted.
Our family at the Grand Ole'Opry

We loved having everyone home for the summer, but as the time approached for school to start I was concerned that I would return to place emotionally that I had been the two years prior. Surprisingly that was not the case.

First Day of School for Kellan
Kellan and his roommates kept their apartment over the summer.  This allowed him to make several trips back to school, each time bringing a load of his things and sometimes spending a night or the weekend. Because of this I feel the process of him "moving out" was more gradual and easier to deal with, for me at least. By the time he was ready to go back to stay, he packed his car with the few things he still needed to take and drove off by himself. There was still a sense of sadness, but not to the same degree as in the years before.

First Day of School for Owen
 Owen also drove to school alone this year. He became a full fledged driver over the summer, making our position as his chauffeur obsolete.  He has enjoyed the freedom of getting to and from school, rehearsals, practices and going places with friends on his own.  It has been nice for us too, but as crazy as it may sound, I miss it. Not the driving, but the conversations, the music and singing, the stops at Q.T. and the time spent with him. His new found independence has given Tim and I a glimpse into what life might be like with an empty nest. We have been impressed by the maturity he has shown, not only behind the wheel, but in the classroom as well. 

Now several weeks into our "Junior" year we have settled in nicely. New schedules are becoming routine and overall the readjustment has been relatively uneventful. We have established that we can do this. We can remain close while being apart from one another and there is comfort in knowing that.

This year will be a full one. We're expecting healthy doses of change, challenge, adventure, opportunity, busyness and quiet. We are ready for all of it. We look forward to the memories we will make and the growth that will take place in each of us.