Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Reoccurring Theme...

Has there ever been a certain theme or thought that seems to show up in a variety of places and genres?  I recently wrote a blog about my need for order and control, managing expectations, and enjoying what IS, instead of planning how I want it to be. Since then I have noticed quotes on Facebook, post on other blogs, and devotionals all with similar subject matter. These have encouraged me as I strive to improve my approach to the unpredictability life brings.

It's funny how this happens. I believe these things would be there regardless, I just wouldn't have noticed them in the same way. Similar to sitting in church thinking the pastor wrote the sermon just for me. I think God knows when we are ready to receive wisdom, encouragement and even correction. He chooses a variety of ways to get the point across. Here are just a few that had a impact on me, I hope you find them useful too.

Read this blog post from one of my all time favorite authors about expectations.
Katrina Kenison- Expectation

From Jesus Calling Devotional

From Facebook and blog Finding Joy
Facebook Post