Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hard work beats talent...When talent doesn't work hard.

Kellan on his first team the Dragons
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. This is a phrase used around baseball to motivate even the best players to keep improving. It reminds those players that skill is not always enough and that if someone else is willing to work harder they may pass you by.

This has definitely been the case for our oldest son, Kellan.

High School Ball
Growing up he participated in a variety of sports, soccer, basketball, flag football and baseball. Although he found a certain level of success in all of them, at times it was apparent his athletic ability was not equal to some of his peers. But,while he was seldom the best player on the team, he always made the best of every team.

Around the 4th grade Kellan gave up playing other sports in order to focus solely on baseball. Knowing that he had not been blessed with the strength or speed of his teammates he quickly learned to play to his strengths. He was smart, he knew the game. He was a good teammate, a hard worker and he could throw a baseball left handed. He loved baseball and set a goal to play at the college level.

Throughout the course of his development he encountered some negativity from players, parents and coaches. Some doubted his ability and drive to reach his goal. He used that as fuel to work harder and prove them wrong.

Signing Day
Most people however were encouraging towards him. He had great coaching through his summer team Building Champions Baseball Academy. They believed in him and gave him sound advice. He had a very knowledgeable pitching coach Andy Shipman who taught him not just to throw the baseball, but how to pitch. He developed a relationship with the guys at CrossFit Olathe. They mentored him and helped build strength in healthy ways.  His current college coaches who saw his potential and are willing to allow him time to develop even further. And there are countless others that have poured into Kellan and have been a part of his journey in one way or another.

But the truth is, without Kellan's determination to reach his goal, none of these people or opportunities would have mattered. He worked hard inside the classroom and on the field. He made sacrifices with his time, his social life, and his diet to name a few. He remained coachable, always learning. He's stayed humble and respects the game.

Go Griffons!
 In a couple weeks of the Griffons will open their season. And after red shirting last year, our son will officially join his team on the field for the first time. He will have reached his goal, but he's not finished. He continues to stay focused, put in the work and get better everyday. We are extremely proud of him and can't wait to support him from the stands.