Saturday, September 6, 2014

Disappointment to opportunity

Everyone has experienced disappointment in their lifetime. It may have been a team they were cut from, a college they weren't accepted to, a job they didn't get or a relationship that didn't work out. And it comes tied to a variety of emotions ranging from sadness and grief to anger and resentment. Weather on a personal, professional or relational level disappointment is always hard to deal with.

Recently we had such an experience in our family. After sitting out of football his eighth grade year due to suffering a  concussion the prior season, Owen had his heart set on playing this year for his high school team. He attended the football camp offered by the high school coaching staff and joined their summer weightlifting and conditioning program. He was working hard and his plan was in place and going well. Until...he injured his back during weightlifting. He tried to push through and did not even admit anything was wrong until several days later. He continued to play baseball and do his workouts through the pain.  He is a tough kid and knows the saying,"there is a difference between being hurt and injured". Well in the case he was definitely injured. He was seen by our chiropractor and placed on restricted activity for almost 4 weeks. He was released to go back to limited activity the day he should have started two-a-day practices. He made the decision on his own not to play this season. He knew he wasn't physically ready and he did not want to risk further injury because he wasn't prepared to play.
Owen riding in the fire truck for the Old Settlers Parade.

 As parents we applauded his ability to make such a mature decision at 14 with no prompting from us. And although we were all a little sad things had not worked out the way he had hoped, we did not want stay stuck in the negative place that disappointment can sometimes bring. It can be easy to say "why me" or " that isn't fair", but if you dwell on that you may miss out on other opportunities.
 Owen quickly decided that he would look at this situation in a positive way. Without football on his schedule he would now have time to participate in some other things he would otherwise not of had time for. He decided to play fall baseball with his new team Building Champions and he joined the Olathe Fire Department's Explorers Post. He also is now working out under the watchful eye of the trainers at Cross Fit Olathe. He has turned his disappointment into opportunity.

Owen catching one of his favorite lefties.
These days some children have not ever experienced disappointment of any kind. They are given rewards and trophies for participation, sports leagues have rules in place to mandate equal playing time despite ability,work ethic,or attitude and we encourage all children in a class be invited to birthday parties. These are just a few examples of how society has tried to minimize the chance for disappointment or hurt feelings. No parent wants to see their child hurting or sad, but sometimes to truly learn something you first need to live it.

As strange as this may sound, I am grateful for times like these. They are a chance for us to parent our children while they are still close to us. A chance to teach them how to react when life throws them a curve ball, because it will.  And when it does you want to be ready so you aren't caught looking.

Romans 5:3-4  "We can rejoice,too,when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation."