Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Intention or Chance

This month has been filled with many activities celebrating our son Kellan's high school graduation. We have attended award ceremonies, senior night, year end baseball banquet, open house and of course the big event graduation itself.

 Throughout each one of these events I was impressed with his accomplishments and humbled by the kind words that were spoken about the young man he has become. It has taken 18 years to get him to this point and we as parents cannot take all of the credit. We are so thankful for our family and countless other people who have come along side us through this journey. 

 There have been those who we have intentionally placed around him. These family friends have invested in him, supported him and loved him unconditionally as if  he were their own. They have provided opportunities for growth, work and service. As well as a great example of marriage and family.

Others have been by chance. He's had teachers who have challenged him academically, encouraged him to think differently, pursue his passions and be himself. A FCA sponsor and Youth Pastor who recognized his desire to share his faith with others and equipped  him with the knowledge and confidence to do just that.He's had coaches who believed in him and pushed him to reach his goal of playing baseball at the college level. All the while building in him a strong sense of character, discipline and perseverance.

 Some of you have been all of these things to him. You have seen his potential, you have seen his heart, you have invested your time and money in him, you have loved him. You have done this not out of obligation, but because you wanted to.

Kellan deserves some credit of course. He listened to the wise council given to him, chose friends who hold him accountable and share his same beliefs. He took on challenges, kept a positive attitude, worked hard, set goals and achieved them.

Now on the other side of these 18 years, I am extremely proud of him and eternally grateful for the people God placed in his life. Whether by intention or chance your impact will last a lifetime.