Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Training 2014

Spring Training
March 15,2014

Every year as Spring rolls around our house is buzzing with excitement. There really is no off season for us in regards to baseball, but Spring brings on a whole new energy. Practices have started, high school tryouts are over and Major League Baseball is back on the TV and Radio.
This year as we look forward to our son's Senior season of high school baseball, our family is also training for a different kind of season. One of change. 

This Spring will not be about baseball alone. It will also be about the experiences and emotions of graduation. It will be about letting go of some things and holding on a little tighter to others. It will be about transition, both for him and for us. It will be about fear and excitement. About the pride we feel, not only in what he has accomplished, but more importantly for who he is.

Through it all, I want to sit back and enjoy it. Take it all in. Every pitch of every game, every minute of every event, and every "last" of the things that will no longer be a part of our daily lives with him. I want to be present and intentional. 
Just like in baseball, this season will come to an end, our team will be different. But I truly believe that at the core we will remain the same.
Change is hard no doubt about it. But, change can also bring opportunity, progress and growth. We are embracing this change being grateful for now and looking forward to what next season will bring.

"Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second and keep your foot on first." - Frederick B. Wilcox